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  • Anesthesia is a type of drug treatment used to prevent patients feeling pain when they have a medical procedure such as an operation. Anesthesia services at Burjeel Hospital are provided by a team of highly trained and experienced specialists.
  • Our aim is to deliver the highest standard of patient care using evidence-based methods together with the latest equipment. Our team is also involved in the care of patients in the accident and emergency department, as well as the assessment and treatment of critically ill patients on the hospital wards.
  • Our doctors are part of the resuscitation team, and in cooperation with the theatre managers we are responsible for the coordination of theatres. The anesthetic team will also continue to care for surgical patients after their operation. We will devise for each patient the most appropriate and personalized postoperative pain relief plan that will be implemented by specialist nurses and doctors with the use of pain relieving drugs and very modern technical equipment.
  • The equipment that we use to diagnose and monitor the progress of our patients is the most modern and advanced on the healthcare market.

We also provide specialist services for certain types of operation, for example:

  • Cardiac anesthesia
  • Acute and chronic pain management
  • Intensive care unit (ICU)
  • Pediatric anesthesia and pediatric intensive care
  • Neuro-anesthesia
  • Obstetric anesthesia
  • Pre-operative assessment clinics
  • Anesthesia for vascular surgery

The reputation of a hospital is built on the quality of medical care provided. Hence, stringent standards are in place to recruit world-class medical professionals. Our panel of highly qualified doctors have trained extensively in leading hospitals around the world and possess internationally recognized degrees from Europe, USA and other continents. Combined with state-of-the-art technology, the team delivers exemplary care and treatment following the highest international standards and protocols.

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